SUNNAH.....berterusan jadi amalan ~~

SUNNAH.....berterusan jadi amalan ~~
mulakan sesuatu dgn lafaz basmallah...semoga diberkati ALLAH SWT =)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Alhamdulillah... MISSION IS POSSIBLE !!


Nampaknya lama sungguh blog ini menyepi tanpa sebarang coretan daripada pemiliknya..tiada sebarang entry terbaru mahupun sedikit alphabet yang tercoret. Apa khabar semua? semoga dalam keadaan sihat walafiat hendaknya..

Hidup tidak selalunya indah..Langit tak selalu cerah...~~

Pernah dengar tak lagu ni? Ini lagu nasyid laaa.... Hmm...macam tu lah kehidupan manusia, tidak terkecuali anda dan saya. ada kala kita susah adakala kita senang, gembira dan yang sama waktu dengannya. Lumrah ciptaan manusia. Bila ditimpa kesusahan dia mengeluh, bila didatangkan kesenangan, dia mudah leka dan terpedaya. 

Cerita hidup dan kisahku selama menyepi ini pelbagai onak dan duri saya tempuhi. Sampai tiada lagi airmata yang mampu saya titiskan. Menarik diri dari pengajian Ijazah sarjana muda, namun, rezeki dan ilmu Allah Swt itu melata di bumi-Nya ini. Kini saya melanjutkan pengajian dalam bidang perubatan..Subhanallah, tak sangka.! Alhamdulillah...saya bersyukur walaupun terpaksa bermula dari bawah...duduk dan berdiri sama taraf dengan pelajar lepasan SPM dan STPM...namun...Alhamdulillah saya tetap bersyukur diberikan peluang yang kedua bagi memperbaiki keadaan. Terima Kasih Ya ALLAH...

Antara cerita PANAS (dalam kalangan rakan-rakan) tahun ini adalah.....


dalam hati cakap ( "*Waaaahhhh....sukanya...sukanya...sukanya..! Kahwin MUDA ...ooouuuhh yeahh...cita-cita jangka pendek bakal  tercapai....!!! Wallaweyh! ekikikiki. ") :D

Ya Rabb....
(*tak malu sungguh aku ni.....ish..ish..ish..)

*touch up sendiri dengan bedak tepung dan sedikit lipbalm... tiada yang lain-lain...huhuhu

err...mula-mula nak buat antara keluarga je tiada yang tahu. tapi... disebabkan teknologi yang serba canggih ini...lalu tersebarlah berita bahawa saya bakal melangsungkan ehem...ehemm...tak lama lagi. (*dah bertunang, tak lama lagi tu faham-faham sahaja lah ye)

cerita seterusnya...:
"Along...sampai hati tak bagi tahu....." :(
"Oitt....langkah bendul nampak cik kak " :O
"Ann...sedih tau tak bagi tahu, sampai hati.." :'((
"Wah kak Ain...diam-diam ubi berisi..." :)
" Walimah jangan lupa jemput...." :))
"Emil...TAHNIAH " ;)
dan sebagainya...~~~

Minta maaf ye sahabat-sahabat. nanti masa akad dan walimah, adalah undangan yang sampai daripada saya :)

*nABILA (BELLA) & hAZIQAH (H2) tq for the candid picture. dengki ea... :P


***doa ibu itu penting untuk jodoh yang terbaik buat anak-anak (*TQ mak..LOVE YOU!!!)

Jeng...Jeng...Jeng... !

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


assalamualaikum sahabat2. rasanya dah lama blog aku ni meyepi daripada sebarang entry terbaru. kali ni rasanya baru ada kesempatan untuk updated. semoga kalian yang sedang membaca entry terbaru kali ni berada dalam keadaan sihat walafiat hendaknya. amiin....

Dugaan dalam hidup,
yup memang banyak dugaan dalam kehidupan. nak tak nak kita tetap kena dan perlu serta wajib merempuhi halangan yang mendatang untuk memastikan kelangsungan hidup. tiada seorang manusia yang terlepas daripada dugaan pancaroba kehidupan dunia ni. barangsiapa yang merasakan dirinya tidak diuji dan disusahi oleh sesuatu...maka segeralah bermunajat memohon keampunan daripada Maha Pencipta. DIA menduga kita kerana DIA ingat pada kita, kewujudan kita sebagai hambanya. bayangkan kalau tiada dugaan...sepertinya DIA sengaja membiarkan kita sesat dalam arus kehidupan dunia. dan kita sentiasa merasakan apa yang kita lakukan itu betul bahkan hakikatnya salah! Dugaan itu adalah salah satu cara untuk kita dekat kepadaNYA...penghapus dosa seorang hamba. DIA menduga kerana rindu akan rintihan suara seorang hamba kepada penciptanya. rintihan yang ingin didengar setiap masa dan ketika.

Seperti aku, aku seringkali kalah, mengeluh....kadang2 menyesali kehadiran di dunia ini. Astaghfirullahaladzim...

 Namun aku bersyukur.....DIA memberikan aku sahabat2 yang amat mengerti dan memahami...sentiasa memberi dorongan dan bimbingan....walau kadangkala kumerasakan aku tidak layak untuk menjadi kawan mereka walaupun mereka bersangka sebaliknya, bahawa merekalah yang tidak layak untuk berkawan dengan orang seperti aku yang luarannya dikatakan alim dan hebat??? benarkah wahai sahabat2? sesungguhnya sangkaan kalian meleset sama sekali. mungkin aku lebih teruk daripada kalian. Sungguh aku akui, aku lemah tanpa kalian. Semangat dan kekuatan yang ada pada diriku adalah kuratib daripada kalian dengan izin ALLAH SWT..... ingatlah, aku amat rindu pada kalian...mungkin kalian tidak mengerti perasaan aku.. aku dahagakan persahabatan yang murni..berlandaskan ikhlas kerana ALLAH SWT semata-mata. Duhai kawan yang bergelar sahabat... lihatlah pena ini...bacalah, dan ketahuilah...aku merindui kalian, gelak tawa kalian..amiin doa daripada kalian tika kita solat berjemaah...ciuman dan hangatnya jabat tangan kalian...pelukan yang mengeratkan lagi silaturrahim kita. Sungguh, aku kalah dengan perasaan ini. ketahuilah aku mencintai kalian.... titisan airmata ini adalah titisan airmata kerinduan terhadap kamu semua..

UKHWAH 'Till JANNAH........InsyaALLAH... :')

*p/s: lagu baru tukar!! haha...nak korang gembira dengar lagu ni. Favourite aku ni. klasik gila!! =D jgn sedih2 k .... ;)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Original Meaning: Freedom of Speech or of the Press

Original Meaning: Freedom of Speech or of the Press

by P.A. Madison on October 18, 2008
  • Summary: Freedom of Speech or of the Press can be defined as the freedom from seditious laws of libel so people can openly discuss or criticize government policy or conduct of public agents without fear of being charged with a seditious crime. Hence, why Congress shall “make no law.”
Before discussing the meaning of the words “freedom of speech, or of the press” as established under early American law, we should first understand why these words are found under the United States Constitution. Mr. Madison explained in 1799, “Without tracing farther the evidence on this subject, it would seem scarcely possible to doubt, that no power whatever over the press was supposed to be delegated by the Constitution, as it originally stood; and that the [first] amendment was intended as a positive and absolute reservation of it.” Alexander Hamilton argues in Federalist No. 84 why such an amendment does not belong under the federal constitution:
Why for instance, should it be said, that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? I will not contend that such a provision would confer a regulating power; but it is evident that it would furnish, to men disposed to usurp, a plausible pretence for claiming that power. They might urge with a semblance of reason, that the constitution ought not to be charged with the absurdity of providing against the abuse of an authority, which was not given, and that the provision against restraining the liberty of the press afforded a clear implication, that a power to prescribe proper regulations concerning it, was intended to be vested in the national government.
As one might suppose from the above, Congress would be just as powerless in abridging the freedom of speech or the press without the First Amendment; and the First Amendment served only as a declaration that no such power had been vested with Congress over speech or the press.
The biggest modern error in understanding freedom of speech comes from viewing it as a right to be heard (or even seen) in every imaginable situation. Such was never the purpose of the constitutional freedom.
Freedom of speech and of the press served one purpose in America: To remove the fear of the common law doctrine of seditious libel so citizens could freely speak or publish their grievances or concerns regarding public affairs or conduct of public officials. Seditious libel (or criminal libel as it was sometimes called) was generally defined as “the intentional publication, without lawful excuse or justification, of written blame of any public man, or of the law, or of any institution established by law.” (Stephen, History of the Criminal Law)
In England, it could be dangerous to criticize government, or peaceably assemble or petition government for redress of grievances because anything one might speak or write could end up being used against them under the charge of seditious libel where truth would be of no defense.
In 1808 for example, the British newspaper publisher, John Drakard, was indicted over an article questioning military flogging, and the jury had been instructed that the military establishment had been injured and “it was not to be permitted to any man to make the people dissatisfied with the Government under which he lives.” Henry VIII once made it a high treason crime to suggest his marriage to Anne of Cleves was valid even though it was the truth.
How can we know for sure the freedom of speech or of the press means freedom from seditious libel? All early American laws over speech and the press dealt solely with breaches of the peace or public morality (blasphemy, obscenity, profanity, etc.), but never restraints against public discussion of public measures, grievances or criticism of public officials where truth was of no defense. In other words, the common law doctrine of seditious libel was absent from American laws, while general public restrictions over speech or in the press existed
Benjamin Franklin, writing in The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 8, 1736, wrote of the American doctrine behind freedom of speech and of the press:
Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins. Republics and limited monarchies derive their strength and vigor from a popular examination into the action of the magistrates.
James Madison in 1799 wrote, “In every State, probably, in the Union, the press has exerted a freedom in canvassing the merits and measures of public men of every description which has not been confined to the strict limits of the common law.
The Democratic-Republican caucus included the following in their 1800 platform: “An inviolable preservation of the Federal constitution, according to the true sense in which it was adopted by the states. … Freedom of speech and the press; and opposition, therefore, to all violations of the Constitution, to silence, by force, and not by reason, the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their public agents.
Generally speaking, all State constitutions or laws stipulated along the lines that the “press shall be free to every citizen who undertakes to examine the official conduct of men acting in a public capacity,” and “in prosecutions for publications investigating the proceedings of officers, or where the matter published is proper for public information, the truth thereof may he given in evidence.” Other common expression of the freedom found were, “No law shall ever be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press; but every person may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of such right.”
If freedom of speech or of the press alone was understood to mean the liberty to freely write or speak whatever one wishes then there can be no purpose for the additional declaration that says persons may also “freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects.” It is too clear freedom of speech and of the press had specific meaning and that meaning could only have been freedom from seditious libel. Thomas Cooley hit the ball out of park when he wrote of the freedom found under American constitutions:
The mere exemption from previous restraints (Blackstonian theory) cannot be all that is secured by the constitutional provisions, inasmuch as of words to be uttered orally there can be no previous censorship, and the liberty of the press might be rendered a mockery and a delusion, and the phrase itself a byword, if, while every man was at liberty to publish what he pleased, the public authorities might nevertheless punish him for harmless publications, … Their purpose [of the free-speech clauses] has evidently been to protect parties in the free publication of matters of public concern, to secure their right to a free discussion of public events and public measures, and to enable every citizen at any time to bring the government and any person in authority to the bar of public opinion by any just criticism upon their conduct in the exercise of the authority which the people have conferred upon them. … The evils to be prevented were not the censorship of the press merely, but any action of the government by means of which it might prevent such free and general discussion of public matters as seems absolutely essential to prepare the people for an intelligent exercise of their rights as citizens.
Additionally, all State constitutional provisions guaranteeing the freedom of speech or press provided for the abuse of this right to be excluded from the freedom. What this means is people never had a constitutional right to ignore laws that defined the abuse of the freedom. While there was never any justification for criminalizing the discussion of public affairs, everything outside of this was open to public restrictions for purposes of preventing crime, breach of peace, or enforcing public morality.
Under the federal constitution, there is no provision for making anyone responsible for the abuse for the simple reason no power over the subject was delegated to the central government to exercise. As already pointed out, the purpose behind the federal bill of rights was to make clear Congress had no powers over such matters rather than to extend rights to citizens of the States.
It should be apparent now how States could prohibit “books or other publications of a sectarian infidel or immoral character” from being distributed in any common school, or prohibit public discussion of acts of sexual gratification, or even solicitation for donations on public property without permit. The great advantage of adhering to original meaning is that it does not act to force courts to invent “exceptions” under the constitution to either sanction a law or rule the law unconstitutional.
The court in In re Macknight, II Mont. 126 (1891) got it right when it declared:
What was the purpose of this constitutional guarantee (freedom of speech and press)? Was it to grant freedom to ordinary speech and publication which could excite the resentment of no one? If that was the purpose, then it would be as needful to put into the Constitution a provision that people may freely walk the streets quietly and peaceably . . . And so the history of the struggle for the establishment of the principle of freedom of speech and press shows that it was not ordinary talk and publication, which was to be disenthralled from censorship, suppression and punishment. It was in a large degree a species of talk and publication which had been found distasteful to governmental powers and agencies.
Trial of John Peter Zenger
The liberty of speech or of the press in this country can be said to have been born in the year 1735 in the colony of New York. The story begins on November 5, 1733 when John Peter Zenger published his first issue of the Weekly Journal that included this criticism:
[T]he sheriff was deaf to all that could be alleged on that [the Quaker] side; and notwithstanding that he was told by both the late Chief Justice and James Alexander, one of His Majesty’s Council and counsellor-at-law, and by one William Smith, counsellor-at-law, that such a procedure [disqualifying the Quakers for affirming rather than swearing] was contrary to law and a violent attempt upon the liberties of the people, he still persisted in refusing the said Quakers to vote….
Governor Crosby wanted Zenger charged with seditious libel but found it difficult to obtain a grand jury indictment against him. To get around this obstacle Crosby instructed his attorney general to file a formal accusation of a criminal offense before two justices. This in return led to a bench warrant and arrest of Zenger.
The trial opened on August 4, 1735 on the main floor of New York’s City Hall with Attorney General Bradley’s reading of the information filed against Zenger. Bradley told jurors that Zenger, “being a seditious person and a frequent printer and publisher of false news and seditious libels” had “wickedly and maliciously” devised to “traduce, scandalize, and vilify” Governor Cosby and his ministers. Bradley said that “Libeling has always been discouraged as a thing that tends to create differences among men, ill blood among the people, and oftentimes great bloodshed between the party libeling and the party libeled.” (Linder, The Trial of John Peter Zenger (2001))
Additionally, Bradley explained truth was of no defense for seditious libel under state law while Zenger’s attorney argued the law should not be interpreted to prohibit “the just complaints of a number of men who suffer under a bad administration.” The judge instructed the jury the “law is clear that you cannot justify a libel,” and the “jury may find that Zenger printed and published those papers, and leave to the Court to judge whether they are libelous.”
With law and precedent squarely against him, the jury nonetheless found Zenger not guilty and the beginning of public opposition to trials of seditious libel had been established. Gouverneur Morris (served on the committee of five responsible for the final drafting of the Constitution) would write a half-century later: “The trial of Zenger in 1735 was the germ of American freedom, the morning star of that liberty which subsequently revolutionized America.”
With this historical understanding of free speech our first analysis of what might constitute a violation of the clause will always be to first discover whether there was some law being enforced that makes it an seditious offense to openly discuss/criticize the affairs of government or government officials? If the answer is no then there is no infringement under the clause. This historically correct analysis of the federal constitutional freedom is what should be the rule rather than another ignored fact of constitutional law.
Additionally, it is rather absurd to sue a school for violating someone’s freedom of speech when no school has any municipal authority to criminalize spoken words.
Finally, opposition to speech or press laws should be taken up with the people’s representatives and not through lawsuits, which often tends to only uproot the great liberty of the people to govern themselves under their own chosen laws and sense of norms.

( saja share the view of another person towards the freedom of speech ) =)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Segala puji dan puja kupanjatkan ke hadrat ILLAHI...selawat dan salam ke atas rasul junjungan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. tidak juga kulupa para anbia , para sahabat as-solihin serta muslimin dan muslimat sekalian.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Sudah sekian lama aku mencari-cari kembali kekuatan diri,
sayang, yang di mana kucari itu semakin menjauh pergi.
mengapa? mengapa?
ke mari...dekatlah..datanglah kepadaku.
aku seru akan dirinya untuk kembali.
namun seruanku hanya sia-sia belaka..
dia semakin berlari meninggalkan diriku....

Kepergian dirinya seperti berpesan kepadaku sesuatu,
senyuman sinis yg dilemparkan amat menyakitkan diri,
seperti khilaf menggunung berada di pundakku,
meruntun jiwa dan menjemput hiba.
aku kalah dan aku resah
katanya dia tidak layak untuk berada di sisiku, kerana katanya aku tidak layak memiliki dirinya
dia kata aku berubah, dia kata aku menjadi lemah.
pernahkah dirinya berfikir mengapa dan kenapa?

"ah, persetan dengan kata-katamu itu!"
Lalu kusalahkan dirinya yg selama ini berdiri teguh menjadi perisaiku,
lalu kubiarkan dia pergi..pergi menjauh dari sisi
"pergilah ke mana sukamu!
pergilah ke mana mahumu!"

Bodoh. hina dan dina.
ya, bodoh!
bodohnya diriku kerana membiarkan dia berlalu pergi.
tidak kuhalang dirinya dengan kata-kata yg menguatkan,
tidak kuhalang dirinya dengan nyanyian yg mengasyikkan.
tidak kupujuk dirinya dengan rayuan yg memanjakan.
aku kalah, aku lemah
"ya...aku resah.
resahku kerana mencari di mana kewujudanmu."

"Aku punya kawan, aku punya teman,
ya, ini hartaku..!
namun sia-sia kerana aku tidak mempunyai dirimu.."
maka aku mohon...kembalilah.
kembali membina diriku,
kembali menjadikan aku yg dulu.
bosan dengan aliran sungai yang deras, namun seketika cuma,
bosan dengan luka yg tiada jelas nampaknya,
sakit.....teramat sakit.

Aku lenyapkan egoku,
aku tanamkan angkuhku.
aku mohon agar dia kembali buat kesekian kali.
jangan lagi pergi menjauhkan diri.
berpisah dengannya membuatkan aku MATI.
mati akal dan mati diri..
hilang punca dan arah tuju.
apa yg kurangka hilang bagai kabus yg ditiup bayu..
sia-sia belaka,

Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim,
aku panjatkan kesyukuran kepadaMu
aku bersyukur kerana menemukan semula aku dengannya
walau tidak kutahu kemana hilangnya ia selama aku tercari.
mencari SEMANGAT yg menguatkan diri, mencari IMAN perisai sakti.

jangan sesekali pisahkan aku dengannya lagi,
kerna tidak tertanggung luka dihati..mengalir darah tiada terhenti.

Buat, sahabat yg membaca entry terbaru ni..jadikan pedoman sebagai panduan hidup. tiba-tiba aku tulis puisi ni. inilah apa yang aku mengerti selama hidup di muka bumi. Jangan sesekali minta terjadi, kerna amat bahaya kepada diri. Maan najah dlm menghadapi kehidupan sehari-hari. berkat ramadhan bulan yg suci. gandakan ibadah di dalam diri, boleh kita top-up balance pahala kita agar menjadi pemberat di Al-mizan kelak. *pesanan buat diri ini juga =) . terima kasih kerana beri sokongan kpd aku dan menjadi rakan setia membaca blog yg biasa2 ni.. aku sayang korang! =)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Terkial-kial memulakan hari, aku mencari apakah yang tidak kena akan diriku...rindu yang semakin kuat...tapi terasa semakin menjauh dan aku tidak dapat menggapai rindu itu....wahai si perindu, kasihanilah aku yang semakin mencari .. khabarkan kepadaku akan gerangan dirimu..agarku tidak jauh daripada pandanganmu....


Aku khabarkan berita. Kalah
Setelah waktu menjadi candu dan satu-satu jatuh
Sungguh.. Langkah kaki tak pernah letih
sedang detik mendesak minit mendorong jam menyibak hari menembus minggu melewati bulan mencapai tahun menggapai abad.

Menggelepar-gelepar ditelan warna yang tak pernah kumengerti. Dalam makna kukejar-kejar rindu yang datang dan senantiasa pergi lagi.

Aku tak bisa mengejar waktu yang melesat. Mataku menatap ke dalam malam pekat: Penuh sayatan demi sayatan. Semua mendekat. Mendekat. Mendekat.
Ya, aku duduk membaca kata-kata yang berjalan di trotoir lenggang.

Hanya kata-kata menggaung di antara tembok-tembok resah. Hanya kata-kata yang merapu kalimat, menjebak alinea dan menyodok gagasan ke dalam pusaran-pusaran fikiran - Sungguh, KEKASIH!
Aku kalah dalam setiap kisah

Rindu itu semakin memburu - Tak ada kata-kata yang dapat mengisahkan rasa ini - Fikiran pun tersumbat dalam aliran waktu - Sungguh! Aku ingin lagi, malam ini, menguntai waktu melewati dinihari menuju pagi - duduk bersama-Mu - melupakan kelam bersemak dalam kamar mindaku!

Rindu itu semakin memburu - Tak ada rasa yang dapar memisahkan kita - dalam waktu, fikiran melangkah entah ke mana. Dalam fikiran Engkau melangkah ke jantung hati. Ya, aku semakin mendekat. Entah rindu ini mengikat. Hatiku semakin melangkah kepada-Mu!

Lupakan bayang-bayang, lupakan sebarang kisah, lupakan kegelapan. Aku ingin tetap bersama-Mu. Sungguh!
Tidak ada lagi kata-kata selain untuk-Mu!
Tidak ada lagi kata-kata yang hebat untuk kunukilkan buat-Mu!

Hasrat benar membuka pintu - di mana aku akan selalu melangkah.
tidak ada lagi dinding, tidak ada lagi jendela tempat memandang. Tidak ada lagi hijab antara kita. Kaki tak pernah singgah ke suara tembang. Dan berbaris menuju kata-kata. Dan tembok perlahan-lahan terkuak. Duka mengayuh rindu untuk kembali mencari.
Diri-Mu, KEKASIH.........

Monday, May 30, 2011


terlebih dahulu aku memanjatkan setinggi-tinggi kesyukuran ke hadrat ILLAHI kerana memberi aku kesempatan untuk mencoretkan kata-kata di sini. alhamdulillah...dengan post terbaru ini maka hampir tamat lah cuti semester aku yang ke dua. tugas selanjutnya adalah kembali ke kampus dan meneruskan kehidupan sebagai mahasiswi di salah sebuah universiti terkemuka di Malaysia. chewah....! betul la apa salahnya kalau aku puji universiti sendiri kan?
alhamdulillah segala perancangan aku sebelum cuti sem hari tu berjalan dengan lancar. aku sempat merasa gaji selama dua bula berturut2, dan tempoh pekerjaan yang dirancangkan mencapai target dalam 2 bulan. alhamdulillah. 
bekerja di salah sebuah cawangan syarikat Giant, yakni Guardian Pharmacy, Health and Beauty Centre, banyak memberi aku pengalaman yg mengujakan...dapat mengenali karenah manusia ni dalam hal2 perbelanjaan, penjagaan kesihatan, kecantikan, dan paling tak tahan sekali adalah perangai mereka ketika berbelanja. susah juga kerja di bahagian perkhidmatan pelanggan ni. alhamdulillah aku dapat melakukan dengan baik walau terkadang aku jua melakukan kesilapan.
kerja masuk pukul 9 pagi pulang pada pukul 6.30 malam, untuk shif pagi, manakala pukul 1.30 petang dan pulang pada pukul 10.30 malam.
tugas yg diberikan kepada aku adalah cashier. tapi cashier bukan sekadar cashier, jd cashier kat sini semua kene tahu, bukan stakat free gift je kena ingat, modal, stock in , stock out..stock take lagi...promotion lagi dan yang paling utama adalah fungsi2 produk yang ada dalam kedai. kalau alat kecantikan tu pejam mata pun kita dah tahu. tapi kalau melibatkan ubat2an dan barangan penjagaan kesihatan...haa, yang ni kena hati2 silap penerangan, orang salah guna silap hari bulan kita kena SAMAN..! jadi, aku terpaksa dengan rela hati belajar semula dan kaji balik apa2 fungsi ubat2an dan vitamin2 yg ada. maknanya aku pun menjadi seperti pharmacist2 yg ada kat kedai ubat la., dah aku kembali pada ilmu asal yg aku blaja masa kat sekolah dulu, yakni ilmu sains walaupun sekarang aku tak mengarah ke aliran tu. kalau aku tahu aku akn kerja mcm ni, dalam hati aku dah mula berkata..,

" kalau aku terima tawaran diploma farmasi dan kesihatan dulu kan bagus....tak payah aku study balik benda2 ni, gaji pun mesti lagi lumayan dr posisi aku sekarang.."
" kan bagus kalau aku terima tawaran matrikulasi dulu, jadi kerja ni mmg sesuai la dgn aku, aliran sains dan memberi banyak pengalaman dalam bidang sains yg bakal aku teruskan..."

bila difikirkan semula, itu semua mainan jiwa yg tak konsisten...sekarang aku kena tetap pendirian dan teruskan apa yang dah ada depan mata. tak kisahlah dalam bidang apa jua sekalipun, sebab, dimana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan....tapi apa yang penting pada aku, pengalaman byk mengajarkan aku erti kehidupan manusia dalam dunia ni. dalam byk2 kerja yang aku dah kerja, kerja ni la yang paling menghiburkan walaupun kepenatan yang byk dirasai. tapi biasa la...setiap kerja yang kita buat ada positif dan negatifnya. yang negatif tu biar la aku sendiri yang tahu. yang paling penting kita kena bersyukur kepada ALLAH kerana mengurniakan kita dengan sumber rezeki yang halal wassalam..


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Aku Beli Pen Baharu..!

dengan nama ALLAH yg Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Pengasihani...

dah nak habis exam aku baru pergi beli pen tadi..bukan apa sebelum tu pun aku ada beli juga, tapi cuma sebatang je... hehehe, ni la pen tu :
LTC Ball Pen BG 828 S-FINE 
aku beli kat kedai alat tulis depan kampus, tak berapa depan, depan kampus tapi bangunan sebelah bagunan kedai depan kampus.  =)

FASTER ball pen CX445
Gambar yang 4 batang pen ni aku beli dekat East Coast Mall , Kuantan dekat MBS bookstore.. pen FASTER 2 batang tu, ada tulisan jawi tau cantik sangat2. haha, pergi dengan member, Hannan. byk buku nota cantik2..aku terpesona..tapi aku tak beli pun..tak ada budget. =) Hannan beli buku nota ni ha :

Cantikkan? RM 6.80
saja-saja nak timbulkan isu hari ni...hehehe =) lepas exam psycho.